söndag, november 16

It's all new

I'm lvl 72. LVL 72. Yeah, I know I suck. I have friends that are lvl 80 on other servers and then I have my boyfriend who is lvl 76 at the moment. Yeah, I know I suck.

I downloaded the addon Questhelper. I can't believe I managed to live without it! I <3 it!

I always seem to end up in sucky groups for these new Northrend dungeons. The healer always leave or the tank always leave. Isn't life superb?! Bah, and I hate questing. Sure, some of these new quests are fun and all but when it comes to quests like "Kill 30 of these" it makes me want to shoot myself! I mean, c'mon Blizzard. You already tortured us with those kind of quests in Nagrand, why continue?!

I hate this expansion. I will keep on saying it till I'm lvl 80.

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