onsdag, november 26

Twilight, again.

Today is the third time I will go see Twilight. I will probably go and see it alone but I don't care. The movie is great, I have to repeat that.

I'm lvl 75! Yeah, SCORE! -.- -.- I ran around and explored everything except those hills... storm hills.. I DON'T REMEMBER THE NAME! Well, so when I'm done with the exploring in Northrend, I will have to move on to Kalimdor and Eastern Kingdoms. And then I will get the title 'The Explorer'. I love that! I wouldn't go through all this trouble if I didn't want the damn title. And the funny thing is, I have no flying mount yet (that I can fly in Northrend, ofc) so I ran around in Icecrown and the big thing is: I didn't die! Like, amagad!

I downloaded the soundtrack to Twilight last night and I found my favorite song in the movie, the part where he sucks the venom out of Bella and then they play the song "Let me sign" by Robert Pattinson. He's got an amazzziiing voice! I can't stop listening to it, the song fits perfectly to Twilight and especially the scene! Too bad it's so short.

Twilight, AGAIN! <3

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